Tuesday, October 21, 2014

New Name? Maybe.

We've been brainstorming possible new names for the team. The current frontrunners are keeping Rejecting Reality, and SLEED, which has the fist letter from each team member's name.

Today we talked about our project. We started figuring out the general plan for our presentation. The most popular idea is to do a short commercial followed by additional explanation by the team and keeping it short so the judges have extra time to ask questions.

We also started working on attachments to do the "door" mission and the "project based learning" mission. Emmett and Damek worked on an attachment that opens the door without the robot even leaving base! It uses beams and rubber bands to be flexible but strong so it doesn't have to hit the door in exactly the right place in order to open it. Luke worked on an attachment to deliver the loop models to "project based learning." It's touchy, but seems like it might work. Here's the robot - you can see the attachment with the loops on it.

Here's a picture of our points tracking chart. "Working on" means that someone has started a meaningful attempt at programming the mission or building an attachment for it. As of today, we are working on 130 points, with 15 of them "complete." 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Tracking Points

Something new that we have added this season is a graph on the wall in our meeting room so we can track the number of robot game points that we currently are successful at achieving as well as show possible points with missions we are currently working on.

This week we solved the mission Changing Conditions which gives us 15 points.  We are also working on the following missions:

Community Learning:  25 points
Cloud Access:  30 points
Engagement:  20 points
