Friday, November 29, 2013

Posters, Robot & a Mission

At wednesday's meeting we broke up into groups of 2 and 3.  One group, which consisted of Emmett, Eden & myself (Damek) worked on our core values and project posters

and the other group, which consisted of Kenny & Luke, worked on getting the robot to drive straight.
Halfway through the meeting Eden and Luke decided to switch groups, and Kenny & Eden worked on the pets mission part of the robot game

while Emmett, Luke & I continued to make progress on the posters.

Monday, November 25, 2013

When Straight Isn't Straight

Today we were working on the ambulance mission, which is just a long, straight path out and back to base.  We discovered that the big problem was that our robot was pulling to the right even though we were telling it to drive straight.

We tried switching the wheels around, and using another "identical" tire, but it still pulled right.  We decided that the motors must be the source of the problem, but we only have two EV3 motors, so we have to make them work.

Using the move-steering block, we started telling it to turn very slightly left instead of going straight.  We still had trouble getting it to go straight - it was still pulling right.  Then we realized that the battery power was very low, so we stopped working to charge the robot.  In competition, our robot will be fully charged, so we want to do these tests under the same conditions.

When it's charged again, we'll try to find turn values that make it go straight with the move-steering block.  We may also try the move-tank block with slightly different motor powers for the two motors.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Meeting Bruce Tremper of the Utah Avalanche Center

The past couple weeks we've been trying to get our project finished up.  Today we finished the posters we'll hold during our project presentation and then went to the Natural History Museum where Bruce Tremper was giving an avalanche talk. 

There were a lot of people there to listen to him talk about avalanches!

After the presentation was over, we stayed to tell him about our project idea and he said it was a great idea!  It was nice to talk to an expert and get such nice feedback.